8-17 of May, Collective Dreaming is coming to Vilnius! The programme will consist of two artist’s moving image screenings at Mevo Avilys and two workshops at SODAS2123 weaving ideas around the word dreaming as imagination for new futures and unconscious experiences of reality while sleeping. Throughout the events we will be thinking about home, love for others (both human and more-than-human), community, care and shared dreams for the near future.
Collective Dreaming is a research and events programme that weaves together Scottish, Ukrainian and Lithuanian moving images and thoughts in search of connection and collective liberation. In solidarity against all forms of colonial violence, the programme aims to question imperial, capitalist, and patriarchal systems of power to make sense of our current reality. In this context, we look at art as a method to open ourselves up to new possibilities of thinking, hoping, dreaming and collaborating.
More about the events:
By word of mouth: collective fictions for tomorrows
May 11th, 1 pm, SODAS 2123 (Vitebsko st. 21-23, Vilnius)
„If we do not change our consciousness, we cannot change our actions or demand change from others“ – bell hooks, Talking back
It is no secret that language is inextricably linked to our consciousness. Encoded in our language(s) are the dominant ways of being and thinking; norms of expressions and gestures; limits to understanding and imagination. Language has tangible and material power in our world. Thus, to raise our consciousness we will first look at our words: what words are missing from our vocabularies for tomorrow, what concepts do we need to let go of to set ourselves free, what desires hide in our pauses?
During this creative writing workshop, we will reflect on Utopian theory and play with language for the near future. Jumping from inspirational texts and writing prompts, the participants will be encouraged to use speculative fiction as a tool against hopelessness and isolation. The working language for this workshop will be Lithuanian.
This workshop is inspired and borrows materials from Glasgow-based artist Maya Uppal, who facilitated a similar workshop for our programme at the Centre for Contemporary Arts Glasgow.
Dreaming conversation with Teta Tsybulnyk
May 17th, 6.30 pm, SODAS 2123 (Vitebsko st. 21-23, Vilnius)
Social dreaming is a method of sharing dreams in a group and through associations, memories and feelings create new thoughts together. At the heart of the workshop, lies dreams rather than dreamers. Throughout the workshop, dreams can be expressed, heard, expanded, and linked to the experiences of the group. Social dreaming is not a therapy session but rather a collective conversation.
The first hour of the workshop will be dedicated to dream sharing. In the next 30 minutes, we will reflect and discuss what has been experienced. After the end of the workshop, the facilitator Teta Tsybulnyk will briefly share her research and theoretical considerations of dreams as a mini-lecture Dreaming in times of war. At the end, there will be time for informal conversations. The working language of the workshop is English, however we will help activate Lithuanian and Ukrainian languages in the conversation.
Teta Tsybulnyk is an artist, visual anthropologist and aspiring psychoanalyst based in Kyiv, Ukraine. Her research spans from the non-human gaze on nature to semiotics of the unconscious. She is the co-founder of ruїns collective, an art group currently consisting of herself and Elias Parvulesco.
If there is anything we can do to make this workshop more accessible to you or if you need any clarification on what to expect, please get in touch at julija.silyte@gmail.com
Book a spot here: https://forms.gle/ThnZCXbs9GVChDVP6
Organisers and curators – Julija Šilytė & Milda Valiulytė. Funded by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.