Viktorija Šiaulytė


Viktorija Šiaulytė is an independent curator and producer working in the fields of contemporary art, architecture and film. In her often collaborative, long-term projects, Viktorija engages with the topics of environment from the point of view of both ecology and technology as well as neoliberal governance. In 2013-2018 she was co-curator of Zooetics: Cross-disciplinary Approaches to Interspecies Ecology in Art, Science and Technology together with artists Nomeda and Gediminas Urbonas and writer Tracey Warr. Together with filmmaker Marta Dauliute, she is currently working on the documentary film and research project Good Life on startup lifestyle and entrepreneurial home. In 2021, she curated Sensing Urban Matter programme with Architektūros fondas for Future Architecture Platform, as well as is leading a workshop series (Adjustment to) Non-Linear Timelines together with Marina Valle Noronha for the Whole Life Academy project at House of World Cultures, Berlin, Germany.

Viktorija is currently a Research Affiliate at MIT Program for Art, Culture and Technology, and was a 2020-2021 fellow of Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart, Germany.

Since 2020, she is co-curator of Videograms, festival of video art, artists’ films and moving image practices, together with Monika Lipšic. They are currently preparing Videograms programme in 2021 together with curators Gerda Paliušytė and Karolis Žukas, taking place in Sodas2123 as well as cinema center Skalvija in November-December 2021 in Vilnius, Lithuania.

SODAS 2123 activities are supported by Lithuanian Council for Culture and Vilnius city municipality.

Photo: Ulijona Odišarija