Public institution “ARCHITECTURE FUND” is a voluntary, independent non-profit organization, active in architecture, education and culture. All initiatives of Architecture Fund rise “from the bottom” and are implemented by the same initiators.


The Design Foundation is a research initiative dedicated to Lithuanian design history, aimed also at promoting, actualizing, and disseminating design culture. The public non-governmental organisation “Design Foundation” was established in 2016 by three design researchers: Karolina Jakaitė, Šarūnas Šlektavičius ir Gintautė Žemaitytė.

Why did we undertake such an initiative? The reason for this was the fact that in Lithuania most of the archives of former design institutions of the second half of the 20th century were lost, including projects by Lithuanian designers as well as publications and documents of the Soviet period, previously stored in libraries.


One of our goals is to (re)create the “archive” of Lithuanian design history, compiled not from material objects, but rather from stories and recollections by documenting the interviews with prominent personalities of the 1960s and 1970s – architects and designers who were in those times called artists-constructors.


Having started the project in 2016, for our research focus we have chosen the period of the 1960s as for various reasons it was particularly important to the development of Lithuanian design. The turn of 1950s and 1960s saw the establishment of new design institutions, the introduction of specialized studies, design exhibitions, and the emergence of ideas for modernizing objects and environments.


Since 2016 we have already filmed 12 studio interviews the most prominent personalities of 1960s and 1970s design world – creators, architects, designers, heads of experimental offices and establishments, by discussing the founding of the Vilnius Academy of Arts Department of Design, its lecturers, students, general atmosphere, events and objects that contributed to creating and shaping the history of Lithuanian design, and by recollecting 1950s and 1960s as well as the two following decades.


During the course of the project we are researching and analyzing the selected period’s design cases, archival documentation and photographs.


One part of the project were the creative workshops. During creative workshops conducted in collaboration with Lithuanian design studios, artists and designers, a variety of design samples were recreated, uniquely interpreted or created anew, telling a story about the personalities of the Lithuanian design of 1960s, of the period’s events as well as objects and their history. These design samples will be presented at the exposition and in the pop-up design shop.


The project was introduced at the National Gallery of Art during the exposition “Design Foundation: designed in Lithuania in 1960s” that took place on December 15 – 31, 2016.


The project “Design Foundation: actualizing history” was carried out by the in collaboration with the Vilnius Academy of Arts, Lithuanian Design Forum, Lithuanian Central State Archives, and Modern Art Center.


The project was partially funded by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.


ART SHOT is an independent production company, focused on developing and producing artistic animated films. The founder and producer of the company, Agnė Adomėnė, aims to produce visually engaging animations with the potential for international co-production and distribution.

240 kv. metrų studijų komplekse darbuojasi garsą visapusiškai mylinti ir išmananti muzikantų, kompozitorių bei technikų komanda: Paulius Kilbauskas, Vygintas Kisevičius, Domas Strupinskas, Justinas Štaras.


Kino filmų takeliai, tarpdisciplininio meno projektai, garso rūbai tūkstančiams audiovizualinių projektų ir nesuskaičiuojamos valandos garso įvairovės – visa tai tik dalis Garso generatorių veiklų.


Founded in 2003 by Linas Kutavičius, Lightforms Studio began as a private artist studio based in Klaipėda, Lithuania. In 2011, after a period of consistent work making light installations for various music festivals, the studio adopted its current name and became a business establishment with Kutavičius as its CEO. The name of the studio came as a natural reference to the artistic practice that involved shaping the organic sculptural forms into light installations.


Lightforms Studio has now grown into a cluster of creative and ambitious artists, engineers and managers who specialise in running complex light installation projects and developing innovations for the industry. The studio specialises in developing unique lighting products and solutions for a variety of public events, and servicing light installations for the festivals. Studio’s identity and character are reflected by its distinctive architectural lighting solutions for public and private spaces—a line of work that presents the studio team with creative challenges and ensures the constant development of new ideas. Each project results in a unique experience provided by an individual design solution that combines craftsmanship and technology.


Dagnė Vildžiūnaitė gimė Vilniuje, kur po mokyklos baigimo studijavo psichologiją, vėliau kino vadybą ir jau beveik 20 metų dirba su kultūros, meno ir švietimo projektais. 2007 metais kartu su režisieriumi Mykolu Vildžiūnu įsteigė studiją JUST A MOMENT. Jos filmografijoje jau 20 užbaigtų filmų, pristatytų tokiuose kino renginiuose kaip Venecijos, Sen Sebastiano, Toronto, Karlovy Varų, Leipcigo, Amsterdamo tarptautiniai kino festivaliai. 2015 metais tarptautinis kino leidinys ,,Screen International” įvardijo Dagnę kaip vieną iš 47 – ių perspektyviausių pasaulio prodiuserių, o 2017 metais “Sidabrinių gervių” komisija nominavo apdovanojomui už profesinę meistrystę. Šiuo metu Dagnė tęsia darbą su vaidybiniais, dokumentiniais bei išplėstinių kino formų projektais, bei vysto animacinį ilgametražį filmą vaikams.