One can experience the city with a map. With a magnifying glass. Or through people and their creation. Once again we’re inviting you to OPEN SODAS, an event that has already become a tradition, where the doors of the creators of the cultural complex SODAS 2123 open wide to visitors, new acquaintances and unexpected discoveries. 

The theme of the June OPEN SODAS is  d e s i g n  !


[6 pm – 9 pm]


Isora x Lozuraityte Studio 

Aistė Laisvė Viršulytė GAPS Gallery 


Kadrų skyrius 

Gabrielė Gervickaitė 


Kotryna Butautytė

Architektūros fondas

Ariel Ink 

Austėja Platūkytė and biomaterials library 


Anta Marija Antanavičiūtės & Domas Raibys

Visvaldas Morkevičius  

Alt lab 



6 PM
Guided tour of the SODAS 2123 studios
📌 Start at the stairs of the Atletika Gallery
6 PM – 9 PM
Biomaterials Library presents: Viltė Adomavičiūtė x Beatričė Brėdikytė x Austėja Platūkytė x Dijuota Žilytė
📌 Biomaterials Library and SODAS 2123 Orangery
6 PM – 9 PM
Exposition of analogue photography by Mindaugas Oželis
📌 Gallery „Trivium”
6 PM – 9 PM
Installation “To be born – to be silent – to be serious – to die
To be born”
by artists Aušra Griškonytė Volungė and Justė Margarita
📌 Volungė Studio
7 PM
Screening of the film “A Good Life” and Q&A with one of the film directors Viktorija Šiaulytė
📌 SODAS 2123 main hall
7:30 PM – 9 PM
The workshop “Unlearning The Energy” with Augusta Levickaitė, Eglė Agnė Benkunskytė and Tata Frenkel
Free admission, no registration required
(duration 1,5 hours)
📌 Alt Lab space



Group exhibition “#FAMM.BA.2023 / The Pod” of the graduates of the Bachelor’s degree programme of the Department of Photography, Animation and Media Art of the Vilnius Academy of Arts.

Atletika Gallery 


Jakub Czyszczon and „Grupa Budapeszt“ exhibition “The Surface Is Enough” 

Swallow Gallery 


Music in the yard (in case the weather is bad – in the bar)

Full programme coming soon


OPEN SODAS event is part of the Vilnius 700th anniversary programme.

SODAS 2123 cultural centre is a self-governing community-based space, operated and curated by the Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Artists’ Association. It brings together creators and researchers from different fields, with practices based on experimentation, developing unexpected formats, and responding to the latest cultural, social, geopolitical and ecological issues.

The event is organized by SODAS 2123 together with the LTMKS.

The activities of LTMKS are financed by the Lithuanian Council of Culture and Vilnius City Municipality.

Main information partner 15 min.

Design – Marek Voida.


The event will be filmed and photographed. Videos and/or photographs taken during the event may be published and broadcast live on the Organiser’s social networks (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube), website, as well as other advertising or information dissemination media.